5G-BLUEPRINT: Automated Driver-in-Loop Docking Functionality

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Overview of 5G-BLUEPRINT Automated Driver-in-Loop Docking Functionality Use Case

This use case equips yard tractors with standardised connectivity solutions for an optimised docking operation with respect to time and space requirements. Positioning of these yard trucks will be performed via camera based on Real-Time Locating System (RTLS), either stationary or via a drone. A mobile harbour crane will be retrofitted with teleoperation functionality, operated by a remote control centre operator resources. Pilots will be located in the ports of Antwerp and Vlissingen.

Use case Data Summary

Locations: Antwerp and Vlissingen, Netherlands

Partner ecosystem: National governments (ministries and road operators): Ministerie van Infrastructuur en WaterstaatMinisterie van Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken. Research institutes: Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica CentrumStichting Hogeschool Van Arnhem Ennijmegen Stichting HZ University of Applied Sciences. Ports: North Sea Port Netherlands NVHavenbedrijf Antwerpen. Mobile network operators: Koninklijke kpn NVTelenet Group. Infrastructure operator: Eurofiber Nederland BV. Automotive OEM: Toyota Motor Europe NV. Teleoperation OEMs (road and water): V-Tron BVRoboauto S.R.O.More Work Less Charbon BVSeafar. Application provider for vulnerable road users: Locatienet. Application and service providers for logistics: SentorsRoom 40NxtPort. ITS service providers: Be-MobileSwarco Nederlands BV. End users of the logistics sector (shipping or transporting): Kloosterboer Vlissingen BVVerbugge International BVRoosens. Business accelerator: Economische Impuls Zeeland NV

Funding reference: Horizon2020  ICT-53-2020 - 5G PPP – 5G for Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM)

Funding cycle: September 2020-August 2023

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Type of Experiment:


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