5G-SMART - Cloud-based Mobile Robotics

Home » 5G-SMART - Cloud-based Mobile Robotics

This use case focuses on the feasibility, flexibility, and performance of wirelessly controlled Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) connected via the 5G technology. One novelty of this use case is the possibility of decoupling the closed-loop control of the robot from its embedded system and place it into a factory cloud. We operate two physical AGVs, a commercial one and a research one, realizing partial and full cloud-based control. Moreover, the common use and real-time update of a map through the two different platforms is also validated. Thus, AGVs can enhance their route selection in real-time, i.e., one AGV detects an obstacle, the other one reacts by finding another path to the destination, resulting in more cost- and energy-efficient AGV fleet management. Decoupling the control intelligence from the AGV platform enables the physical platform and control intelligence to evolve separately from each other, which contributes to simpler hardware architecture of the robot device and longer operation time with one battery charge.

Funding cycle; June 2019-May 2022



Type of Experiment:

ITU Functionality:


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