5G-SMART - Industrial LAN over 5G

Home » 5G-SMART - Industrial LAN over 5G

This use-case centres around investigating and validating the applicability of 5G for transporting the traffic of industrial LAN (I-LAN) applications. Limited flexibility for setting up new production lines or for restructuring an existing production line, as well as complex and costly maintenance, are major drawbacks of the wired I-LAN realisations. We evaluate the feasibility of partially replacing fixed interconnections between I-LAN nodes with 5G mobile communications. This will reduce the cables and connectors wear and tear, for the mobile machines/controllers, resulting in reduced maintenance costs. Furthermore, replacing the cables for communications between controllers and machines with 5G also means greater flexibility for implementation and adaptation of the industrial manufacturing infrastructure, which can improve the productivity of manufacturing. Further details of both use-cases are documented in 5G-SMART Deliverable D1.1and D4.4

Funding Reference: Horizon 2020; ICT-19-2019 - Advanced 5G validation trials across multiple vertical industries

Funding cycle; June 2019-May 2022



Type of Experiment:

ITU Functionality:


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