5G-TOURS: Robot-assisted museum guide and monitoring

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This use case aimed to demonstrate the use of 5G technology in the implementation of autonomous robot behaviours. The use case was implemented in both Palazzo Madama and GAM to accompany the visitors in a guided tour that was performed autonomously by the R1 robot based on predefined artworks along the path. The 5G network was exploited for its higher bandwidth (in this UC, especially on the uplink) and for its low latency. In fact, the huge amount of data collected by the robot from the cameras and sensors has to be sent to a remote computer, which processes them and sends movement commands back to the robot. In addition, the robot also has a speech system that is able to answer the questions of the visitors.

Use Case Data Summary

Location: Turin, Italy

EC funding reference: Horizon 2020; ICT-19-2019 - Advanced 5G validation trials across multiple vertical industries

Funding cycle: June 2020-May 2022

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ITU Functionality:


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