The Hybrid Broadcasting Service (HBS) is conceived as a multimedia service consisting of the combination of linear and non-linear audiovisual content. In addition, attractive features such as social media and/or interactivity are made available to enrich user experience with personalized content. Access to content and services is enabled on different user devices and in different environments, from venues to large geographical areas, via content delivery over a combination of several networks, even simultaneously.
In terms of 5G functionalities, this 5G-XCast trial investigates:
Location: Munich (Germany)
Dates: Q2-2019
Verical Partners involved: Union Européenne de Radio Télévision/European Braodcasting Union (EBU), LiveU
Other Partners: Universitat Politècnica de València - UPV (Coordinator), British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Broadpeak, BT, BundlesLab Kft, Expway, Fairspectrum Oy, Institut für Rundfunktechnik GmbH, Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy, Nokia Solutions and Networks Management International GmbH, Nomor Research, One2Many, Samsung Electronics (UK) Limited, Telecom Italia Spa (TIM), Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS), University of Surrey