5GMediaHUB - Immersive AR, VR and XR Applications

Home » 5GMediaHUB - Immersive AR, VR and XR Applications

The purpose of this use case is to explore 5G as a platform for new interactive media services. Streaming visual and multimedia content has great importance today, but as graphic hardware capabilities, rendering technologies and visualisation devices evolve, networks have always been and still are a bottleneck when delivering the most up-to-date content to final users. This use case focuses on the idea of transmission of high-quality and highly immersive new audio-visual formats in real-time, focusing on immersion and on two respective scenarios:

  1. Streaming and visualisation of a live captured presenter embedded in immersive panoramic 360 contents.
  2. Streaming and visualisation of pre-recorded immersive content in the context of Interactive Digital Narratives (IDNs).


Type of Experiment:

ITU Functionality:


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