5GMediaHUB - Smart media content distribution

Home » 5GMediaHUB - Smart media content distribution

The purpose of this use case is to explore 5G as a media distribution network. 5G infrastructures typically consist of complex, multi-domain topologies with many facilities and multiple hierarchies of MEC nodes. UC3 aims at evaluating multi-domain scenarios via the 5GMediaHUB experimentation facility, where a CDN solution handles multi-domain content caching. A livestream deployment is needed for always-ready video streams, which are demanded in breaking news situations with several channels available. Users may wish to quickly switch channels and receive robust, high-quality streams in low latency. This UC is validated through 2 scenarios:

  1. Dynamic Multi-CDN Selection for up to 8k IPTV This use-case will deploy a Multi-Content Delivery Network (MCDN) solution. The implementation will provide an End-to-End system that provides VOD and live content from an event to the end user. An IP-based live stream service shall be implemented, having one or two different programme streams for the user to switch at any time. All this can be applied, e.g., to federal and state elections in Switzerland and Germany, as well as to a regional league football scenario, depending on available broadcasting licenses. As an event, RBB and STXT envision a regional sports event that the TV station will cover. For Switzerland, it might also include special interest sports that are not commonly known in other countries (e.g., Swingen).
  2. Live Networked Music Performance This scenario considers how musicians can use 4k capable video devices to play together over the 5G network while being at different locations. The performance could be followed by an audience with 5G devices. This scenario will have musicians as its end users. Two groups of musicians will be gathered, one in Trondheim and one in Oslo. Each musician will have a 5G device with a dedicated application to record while they are playing. The recordings are played on the other performer’s devices. The goal is to let the musicians play together while being at different individual locations. HD videos of the musicians are presented simultaneously with the audio. An audience is also watching the performance using their own 5G devices.


Type of Experiment:

ITU Functionality:


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