MARSAL - Ultra-dense Video Traffic Delivery in a Converged Fixed-mobile Network

Home » MARSAL - Ultra-dense Video Traffic Delivery in a Converged Fixed-mobile Network

This scenario will showcase MARSAL’s solution towards Fixed-Mobile Convergence in an ultra-dense indoor context like campuses, stadiums, and malls. Mobile clients served by a distributed Cell-Free RAN will be sharing the Optical Midhaul with third-party fixed clients. The Fixed-Mobile Convergence in an Ultra-dense indoors scenario will be operated based on two operation modes: Fixed operation (Passive Optical LAN) and Mobile operation (small/pico cell with optionally Distributed Antenna System), respectively. The mobile clients served by a distributed cell-free RAN will be sharing the Optical Midhaul with third-party FTTH clients. The optical fibre access equipment (Optical Line Terminal) will relate to PON and PtP interfaces where the Network urbanism organisation, e.g., OLT and CU co-localized and DU at the end face of the optical termination.


Type of Experiment:

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