5GASP: 5G Isolated Operation for Public Safety

Home » 5GASP: 5G Isolated Operation for Public Safety

5G Isolated Operation for Public Safety Network Application (5G IOPS) aims to maintain a level of communication between public safety users, offering them local mission-critical services even when the backhaul connectivity to the core network is not fully functional or is disrupted. This operation mode is typically needed in PPDR disaster situations when the infrastructure is damaged or destroyed and in out-of-coverage emergency cases operated in rural areas.

5G IOPS Network Application explores novel connectivity modes between UE, Radio Access Network (RAN) and core network elements, functions of MANO orchestration and cloud-native network function approach to assure automated deployment and self-healing capabilities of the Network Application as proposed in 3GPP Release 15 specifications for the Public Safety services. This Network Application showcases international cross-border PPDR operation in multidomain 5G environments.


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