INSPIRE 5G-PLUS - Trusted Smart Infrastructure

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Making smart cities a real use case scenario has become a challenge due to many urban technology concerns such as transportation, waste management, and environmental protection. Moreover, issues on security and malicious behaviour prevention are, in many cases, still neglected. Additionally, the actual implementation of new smart security technologies is not often discussed in research works, nor the questions that might arise on how smart city security affects traditional policing and urban planning processes.

Given a smart infrastructure, a city (smart city), an ITSS environment or Industry 4.0 where virtual counterparts are envisioned as ways of sharing/securing resources, detection of fraudulent information and/or behaviour must be considered. By detecting abnormal behaviours occurring in the traffic flows of the infrastructure, corresponding mitigation measures are applied to reach a security compromise for the device or its counterpart. The idea is to employ historical information signed in a DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) and external information such as the MUD ( Manufacturer Usage Description) file to detect the improper behaviour

News publishes white paper: How Europe can accelerate network densification for the 5G ERA has published its White Paper entitled “How Europe can accelerate network densification for the 5G Era”.

Cloudscape Brazil 2019 – Position Papers from, To-Euro 5G and NetWorld2020 SME Working Group

Cloudscape Brazil 2019 aims to become the playground for EU-BR initiatives drving innovation in ICT through collaborative work between outstanding research institutes, large enterprises and SMEs.
