5GASP - Vehicle Route Optimizer in a Virtual OBU’s with Interdomain Support and Privacy Preserving

Home » 5GASP - Vehicle Route Optimizer in a Virtual OBU’s with Interdomain Support and Privacy Preserving

Vehicle Route Optimizer (commercially “NeoBus”) is a dynamic pooled transportation service (Demand Responsive Transport (DRT)) solution based on minibuses (±10 seats) that is as flexible as traditional ride-sharing while being a fraction of the price.  By optimising routes and passenger grouping in real-time, the system ensures a minimal carbon and road footprint per passenger kilometre, even when compared to non-flexible public transit. It has the potential to be the transportation of the future and the reason to end car ownership within a metropolitan area.  It is estimated that in the next 30 years, around 70% of the world’s population will live in cities, which means that the pressure on the urban transportation systems will increase, resulting in bigger problems regarding traffic overload, air pollution and lack of parking spaces. This new context will affect the quality of life and health of the entire urban society in a negative way. Therefore, a shift towards a new way of transportation that solves the new problems of the cities is very important. NeoBus' overall goal is to offer users an improved travel experience through a single platform and mobile app to plan, book, travel and pay for transportation services suitable for both private and business purposes (B2C and B2B).


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