5G-TOURS: Emergency airport evacuation

Home » 5G-TOURS: Emergency airport evacuation

The main goal of this use case is to exploit the 5G capabilities to assist current evacuation plans in large, crowded indoor public spaces and, thus, reduce the possibility or magnitude of casualties. The idea of this scenario is to support occupants to be safely guided (for a screenshot from a mobile device application, see Figure 70) to the nearest exit after an unattended item is left, for example, at Gate A38 of the STB and based on the current protocols an evacuation is deemed necessary. The overall objective is to validate whether the 5G capabilities can complement existing processes and capabilities by providing automated guidance for the evacuation route to residents and regular users of the facility to visitors, travellers, and possibly vulnerable people who are not aware of the facility. Real-time data such as numbers of evacuees within an area, persons trapped, assistance to impaired people and visualisation of real-time flows of people are evaluated to assess the impact of 5G technology.

Use Case Data Summary

Location: Athens, Greece

EC funding reference: Horizon 2020; ICT-19-2019 - Advanced 5G validation trials across multiple vertical industries

Funding cycle: June 2020-May 2022

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ITU Functionality:


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