Air quality monitoring with WINGS-ICT low-cost multi-sensor station that measures: O3, CO, SO2, NO, NO2, PM1, PM2.5, PM10, noise, temperature and humidity.
Towards 5G Rollout: Dedicated Network Slice with full isolation for the Norwegian Defence and security-as-a-service. One of the top ten selected trials and pilots in the 2021 5G-IA Trials WG competition.
Developing and testing 5G core technologies in multiple cross-border corridors and urban trial sites with a focus on vehicular traffic, network coverage and service demand.
Boosting the capacity of mobile networks, improving their energy efficiency with 5G is the key enabling technology for time-critical, reliable process automation in factories of the future.
This 5G proof of concept is about enabling high-performance, cost-efficient wireless services in tomorrow's Megacities, by meeting very diverse requirements in dense urban environments by adjusting network configuration to actual needs.
Ultra-high capacity fronthaul network for Gbps-grade mmWave access to demanding areas such as city centres and business districts. Architedting 5G networks for ultra-dense and hotspot areas with diverse traffic density and coverage needs.
Cloudscape Brazil 2019 aims to become the playground for EU-BR initiatives drving innovation in ICT through collaborative work between outstanding research institutes, large enterprises and SMEs.