5G-CARMEN - Situation Awareness in cross-border scenarios

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5G Context

The European Union is driving large-scale, collaborative cross-border validation activities on cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM). The aim is further advance the blending of infrastructures and vehicles with the digital world as it becomes increasingly always-connected, automated and intelligent. 

Through the 5G PPP, 5G-CARMEN contributes to this EU goal by harnessing the concept of Mobility Corridors. Key innovations in the 5G space will come from a hybrid network that combines direct short-range V2X and V2I communication, long-range V2N network communication and back-end solutions into a single platform. 

5G technology enablers in 5G-CARMEN include 5G New Radio (NR); C-V2X; Multi-access edge computing; highly accurate positioning and timing; predictive quality of service, as well as secure multi-domain and cross-border service orchestration for end-to-end network and edge services. 

One of the four use cases driven by 5G-CARMEN is situation awareness, which is focused on overcoming current limitations. For example, automated vehicles and human drivers are limited in their ability to ensure safe and efficient travel because of their perception of road traffic. Sensors like cameras, lidars, and radars used for automated driving can only see as far as the next obstruction, as can the human eye. Hence, sources of danger, like objects on the road, other vehicles, and vulnerable road users like pedestrians and motorcyclists, are hidden from view until the very last moment. What's more, sudden changes in weather conditions, like dense fog, fog benches or icy conditions, dramatically increase the risk of accidents if the travelling speed is not adapted accordingly. 

Overview of Trials for Situation Awareness

5G-CARMEN is conducting 5G cross-border trials on situation awareness with a view to reducing the dangers in vehicular transportation. 5G-CARMEN promotes extended situation awareness by enabling vehicles and infrastructures to share their perception of the environment. This means making sure that potentially dangerous situations can be recognised well in advance so that appropriate actions can be triggered to mitigate the risk of physical harm and property damage. Specifically, 5G-CARMEN provides back situation awareness on an emergency vehicle quickly
approaching from behind to vehicles being in ADAS level 3/4 driving mode, so assisted/automated lane change manoeuvres will be avoided and enable a fast and safe passage for the approaching emergency vehicle in-country and cross-border.

Trial locations

Trials in Trento, Modena, Munich, at the German-Austrian border (Kufstein) and at the Austrian-Italian border (Brennero) demonstrate the innovations implemented by 5G-CARMEN. 

These trials are part of the validation of innovative CCAM use cases looking at both technology and business perspectives through a 5G-enabled cross-border corridor. 

Trial dates


5G-CARMEN website | Twitter: @5g_carmen

Type of Experiment:


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