(3) Demonstration

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INSPIRE-5GPLUS: Moving Target Defense


This use case targets the demonstration of the Moving Target Defense (MTD) concept and to validate its related enablers.

INSPIRE-5GPLUS: Trust and Liability


This use case aims to demonstrate the concepts that were related to trust and liability management on a 5G ecosystem.

INSPIRE-5GPLUS: Security ZSM Management


This demonstrator use case implements the security management closed loop to validate Zero-touch network and Service Management (ZSM) multi-domain approach defined in the project for security.

5GCAR: See-through & long range sensor sharing use case for cooperative perception



Vehicle to everything (V2X)-supported automated driving will dramatically improve safety and driving comfort. By sharing data with surrounding vehicles an infrastructure, V2X systems can raise driver awareness about upcoming potential dangers and dramatically improve collision avoidance.

Smart5Grid - IP monitoring tool for supporting advanced grid automation



Advanced grid automation feature developed by E-Distribuzione that is able to localise and insulate the fault and re-power the rest of the grid in less than one second.

Smart5Grid - Remote Inspection of Automatically Delimited Working Areas at Distribution Level



Remote inspection of automatically delimited working areas at the distribution grid level through the deployment of a private 5G network.

EVOLVED-5G - Physical / Digital Repair Twins



The scenario targets the chatbot-assisted maintenance procedures that are being performed in the premises of a factory environment.

5G INDUCE - VR immersion and AGV control



Through the immersed experience, industrial operators obtain a high-quality interactive view of what is happening in each AGV. Moreover, this use case brings to the industry extra beneficial services such as security or person recognition.

5G INDUCE - Smart Indoor Logistics and Work Safety Operations



The increase in accidents inside industrial infrastructures in recent years is a crucial problem for the industrial sector. Collisions involving forklifts and humans due to limited visibility at corridor intersections can be eliminated by utilising real-time movement monitoring in conjunction with a sophisticated collision prediction algorithm.

5G INDUCE - Inspection (corrosion detection) and surveillance services for critical industrial infrastructures



The effective inspection and surveillance of critical industrial infrastructures is important to prevent accidental or malicious damages. The goal of inspection is to identify early corrosion or mistreatment signs or even critical operation levels (e.g. in storage tanks or pipelines). The purpose of surveillance is to identify unwanted and potentially malicious presence of humans or even animals.



Global5G.org publishes white paper: How Europe can accelerate network densification for the 5G ERA

Global5G.org has published its White Paper entitled “How Europe can accelerate network densification for the 5G Era”.

Cloudscape Brazil 2019 – Position Papers from Global5G.org, To-Euro 5G and NetWorld2020 SME Working Group

Cloudscape Brazil 2019 aims to become the playground for EU-BR initiatives drving innovation in ICT through collaborative work between outstanding research institutes, large enterprises and SMEs.
