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EVOLVED-5G - Anomaly detection in an industrial network



The use case describes a small-scale factory production line that was created and programmed to perform a sequence that simulates a factory operation which requires the coordination of multiple devices to perform a task.

EVOLVED-5G - Industrial grade 5G connectivity with assured QoS



The use case contributes to the efficiency of FoF operations through research and development on a Network App which provides industrial 5G connectivity for those IoT and M2M devices, assuring them required QoS with the help of integrated SLA/SLS monitoring capabilities as part of the Network App.

EVOLVED-5G - Physical / Digital Repair Twins



The scenario targets the chatbot-assisted maintenance procedures that are being performed in the premises of a factory environment.

5G INDUCE - Inspection (corrosion detection) and surveillance services for critical industrial infrastructures



The effective inspection and surveillance of critical industrial infrastructures is important to prevent accidental or malicious damages. The goal of inspection is to identify early corrosion or mistreatment signs or even critical operation levels (e.g. in storage tanks or pipelines). The purpose of surveillance is to identify unwanted and potentially malicious presence of humans or even animals.

INT5GENT - Athens Use Case


PPDR day-to-day operations require on-demand but scheduled provisioning of network coverage and the enablement of mission-critical services even in areas lacking public network coverage. Int5Gent proposes a solution of ad-hoc automatic deployment of 5G access network segments -namely the gNB and the MEC - dedicated to the PPDR sector at a compact server (an edge box as portable IaaS) as an extension of the public network. The solution also includes the deployment/ configuration of the necessary transport network resources based on a resilient mm-Wave mesh transport network. On top of this, quick and automated deployment of reliable PPDR services in this case being drone-based real-time video streaming services using cloud native principles and AI-based edge processing.

VITAL‐5G - Automation and Remote Operation of Freight logistics


Optimise warehouse operations through AGVs to eliminate time inefficiencies through 5G connectivity

5G-EVE - 5G-Connected AGVs



This use case This use case focuses on Mobile Cloud Robotics applied to a Smart Wireless Logistic facility.addresses ambient air quality monitoring and forecasting in outdoor environments

5G-EVE - Remote eHealth monitoring and forecast



This use case involves multiple scenarios: the "Automated Indoor Environment Adaptation" scenario, and the "Remote health monitoring and forecasting" scenario

LOCUS - People Mobility



Detect changes in the status of these paths that can possibly be caused by an incident, such as an accident or traffic jam which in turn will require an action by the system operator


News publishes white paper: How Europe can accelerate network densification for the 5G ERA has published its White Paper entitled “How Europe can accelerate network densification for the 5G Era”.

Cloudscape Brazil 2019 – Position Papers from, To-Euro 5G and NetWorld2020 SME Working Group

Cloudscape Brazil 2019 aims to become the playground for EU-BR initiatives drving innovation in ICT through collaborative work between outstanding research institutes, large enterprises and SMEs.
