INT5GENT - Barcelona Use Case

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In this use case, vertical services will offer a view of the physical railway infrastructure state to facilitate the monitoring, maintenance and eventually the safety operation in an easy-to-use tool that could support decision-making. This purpose naturally entails showing and experimentally demonstrating the use of network transport slicing to provide different services over the same infrastructure. In INT5GENT, two different end-users will ask for different services that will trigger the deployment of the corresponding applications, demonstrating the on-demand deployment of network slices on top of a given 5G transport and edge/cloud infrastructure.
For the delivery of this use case scenario, Int5Gent proposes the solution which comprises the following layers and technologies:
At the Infrastructure layer:
- (Portable RAN infrastructure) An SDR-based 5G RRU and BBU capable of providing 5G-NR connectivity in SA mode.
- (Portable IaaS infrastructure) A portable NFVI prepared to be deployed at the network edge (edge box) at the Hardware level, including the Commercial Off-The-Shelf server.
- (Transport infrastructure) An optical transport network featuring fixed/flexi-grid backhaul connectivity provided by CTTC.
- (Core PaaS Infrastructure) Infrastructure composed of high-performance computing servers over which a Kubernetes cluster could be deployed. 
At the 3GPPP network layer:
- Containerised radio components provided by ININ in the form of CNFs, namely a gNB prepared as SDR-based vBBU and RRU, supporting 5G NR functions assuring PHY, MAC, RLC, PDCP and RRC layers. This is to be deployed at the portable IaaS.
- Containerised network components provided by ININ that can be deployed either at the portable IaaS or at the core PaaS infrastructures. Precisely a 5G Core Network prepared as a single CNF that includes the functions corresponding to the user plane, access & mobility
Int5Gent – H2020-ICT-2018-20 – Innovation Action (IA) 21 management, session management, and authentication server (UPF, AMF, SMF and AUSF). 
At the network control and orchestration layer:
- Enhanced 5G NSMF: provisioning and lifecycle management of 5G Network Slices + Resource Quotes (Vertical Application Slices) for the deployment of Vertical Applications given a high-level intent composed of Location Constraints, Computing Constraints (CPU, RAM, and storage), and Network Constraints. Application-aware Network Slice Manager, Application Quota Manager, and (QoS parameters of the 5G Network Slice to be provisioned). 
- An optical SDN controller that can deliver a variety of services, such as a transponder manager for 10GBE XFP WAN and LAN, TAPI context service, and digital signal rate (DSR) connectivity service. 
- OLS SDN controller: a controller sitting on top of a COTS x86 server that is in charge of the management of ROADMs and network elements, able to provide different services, including Media Channel (MC) connectivity service, TAPI context service (topology, connections and service interface points – SIPs), Path computation service, and transport slice management. 
- An optical slice controller based on IoTalentum multilayer planning tool and PCE, able to perform optical slice topology discovery, mapping and visualisation including nodes, links, optical spectrum and active light paths; also providing management services in a multilayer (IP/Optical) environment. 
- Kubernetes container orchestration controller
At the Application Orchestration layer:
- An application orchestrator provided by UBI that can manage the whole application life cycle, composed of several modules, including engines devoted to policies, deployment, and monitoring; Lifecycle and Application Slice Managers; and an enhanced UI and Dashboard interfaces.


Type of Experiment:

ITU Functionality:

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