This vertical prototype covers the deployment of a 5G network supporting eMBB services, public safety. Telecom systems are considered as a combination of “nested workloads”:
- RAN can be decomposed to several sub-units (Layer 1-, Layer 1+, Layer 2-, Layer 2+, L3).
- EPC can be split into S/P-GW, HSS, MME or more finer units.
- Haul can be split into a set of User Plane router (UP) and one or several controllers in charge of control plane (CP).
Granularity of this decomposition implies operational/non-functional aspects:
- Flexibility: target deployment environment may be quite diverse (x86; ARM, FPGA).
- Scalability: based on traffic demand evolution, components can be added/removed dynamically accordingly; this is related to the demand-side.
- Resiliency: capacity to resist to unexpected events such as nodes, outages, functional and non-functional component failure, security. This is related to the supply-side. Evolutivity: new component versions can be added on-the-fly with required safety and reversing deployment if something bad is happening.
5G architecture will encompass access and core network components (i.e. 5G variants/adaptations of today’s 4G networks). Hence build-to-order RAN-aa-S and EPC-aa-S will be key component.
Locations: Paris-Saclay (France); Ipswich (UK)
Date: Q2, 2018
Vertical partner involved: Vertical M2M
Also involved: B-COM, Bicocca University of Milan, BT, NOKIA, ONAPP, Orange
Other Partners: NOKIA Bell Labs (Coordinator), Atos, DTU, IMEC, Virtual open Systems
NGPaas Website | @NGPaaS_5GPPP