5G-IANA - AR content delivery for vehicular networks

Home » 5G-IANA - AR content delivery for vehicular networks

UC4-ACOV Intelligent NetApp aims at providing “high-quality AR content streaming”, taking advantage of the future web AR applications, the MEC and 5G connectivity. For a UE entering a 5G network, the Intelligent NetApp will provide information in the form of “high-quality” virtual 3D objects embedded on the user’s (e.g. Google) 3D map on his mobile device (e.g., iPhone/iPad). This is an excellent example of the convergence of edge computing, the ARCore Geospatial API and 5G networking and edge computing that will give users the ability to interact with content, digital character displays, virtual experiences and outdoor navigation. Instead of using Google Cloud, we will leverage the MEC server so that the experience is rendered on powerful, edge-based GPUs and then streamed to any mobile device. Augmenting and offloading the processing from the mobile device provides the best user experience. Thus, the NetApp will use a combination of edge computing, 5G networking and AR technology to offload the computing power needed to display high-quality 3D objects rendered by unreal engine and stream them down to AR-enabled devices. The 3D-objects streaming will be provided to the 3D navigation environment similar to Live View by using ARCore Geospatial API and MEC server. This is challenging for AR applications to support marker-less AR streaming content with the help of MEC elements in order to minimise the battery consumption of the mobile device. Apart from that, and in the case of using an on-board unit, where the battery issue is not considered anymore, the 3D object streaming is useful in case of real-time collaborative experience with other users and through a unique 3d object descriptor. The Intelligent NetApp will also take into consideration the coverage of the offered network in Ulm combined with the user’s speed, so it will adjust to the system requirements.



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