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5G-VICTORI: CDN services in dense static and mobile environments


This UC aims to optimise streaming services in mobile environments enabled by 5G technologies, including mmWave, edge computing and media streaming standards, i.e. NBMP and MPEG SAND. It follows the multi-CDN concept and extends the streaming service’s CDN to trains by equipping them with caches.

5G-VICTORI: Critical services for railway systems


The Rail Critical Services at the 5G-VICTORI facility in Berlin comprise five representative types of services. Four of them are related to communications between the Office and onboard a train, and the last one is offered as a wayside service.

5G-VICTORI: eMBB under high speed mobility in Rail environmnents


The UC proposes a multi-technology infrastructure to provide connectivity to a train as it moves along a railway track around the city of Patras.


News publishes white paper: How Europe can accelerate network densification for the 5G ERA has published its White Paper entitled “How Europe can accelerate network densification for the 5G Era”.

Cloudscape Brazil 2019 – Position Papers from, To-Euro 5G and NetWorld2020 SME Working Group

Cloudscape Brazil 2019 aims to become the playground for EU-BR initiatives drving innovation in ICT through collaborative work between outstanding research institutes, large enterprises and SMEs.
